A catalyst for
through science and play
WonderLab is a catalyst for development through science and play. It is a forum for research, education and direct physical, occupational and speech therapy services for the children of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
We believe every child deserves access to evidence informed practice that is current, specific and family centered.
What We Do
As therapists, who live and work in this community, we have struggled alongside families seeking timely access to pediatric therapy services. Early therapy intervention has an immediate impact as well as a lifelong effect in how a child speaks, thinks, learns and moves. Our desire is to provide therapy services to families of all income levels regardless of type of insurance coverage.
We appreciate that education and research are imperatives to the health and success of the children and future professionals in our community. Without readily available mentors in the field we are not adding competent future practitioners to our profession. Therefore we desire to host a space where students can gain more exposure to the world of pediatric therapy, and where IRB approved research is conducted to inform best practice interventions.
The vision of this non-profit organization is not possible without a partnership with our community. Therapeutic support of these children in their early years will create a healthier social landscape. It will help our children better integrate into our community, participate in our society, support themselves, live more independently and develop meaningful relationships.
WonderLab is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and provider of pediatric specific physical, occupational, and speech therapy services in the Inland Empire.
We treat children of all diagnoses with a play-based approach, in other words, we know how kids learn best. We pride ourselves in utilizing evidence informed interventions that work.
We believe that family involvement is the key to success and welcome caregivers into each treatment session. This is where kids with special needs belong!
Therapies We Provide
Oakleigh working with her physical therapist, Jackie.
Physical Therapy
The ability to move is the basis for how we interact with our environment. We must move in order to explore, to play and to learn.
Physical therapy teaches how to improve the way you move. We accomplish this by incorporating exercises into play.
Developmental Gross Motor/Milestone Delays
Cerebral Palsy
Toe Walking
Down Syndrome
Aaron working with his occupational therapist, Lindsey.
Occupational Therapy
A child's occupation can also be defined as their life role. The role of a child is to be a son or daughter, a playmate, a friend. To wash their hands, get dressed and process all their senses are each a part of a child's role in their family life.
Occupational therapists work with families and children on these skills through practice of the skills and also during play activities.
Sensory Processing Disorder/Emotional Regulation
Feeding concerns/picky eaters
Difficulty transitioning between tasks
Delays in completing activities of daily living
Fine Motor Delay
Social skills
Solara working with her Speech Language Pathology Assistant, Desiree.
Speech Therapy
To be able to speak and be understood, and to be able to decode sounds that are spoken to you are important tasks for everyone. Your speech therapist works on both parts of language, understanding and speaking, in order for a child to communicate in his or her environment.
Speech therapists will also work on attention, interaction, thinking and swallowing. Speech therapists may work with baby sign language to help a frustrated toddler to express himself.
Speech and/or Language Delay
Feeding/swallowing concerns
Assessing for, procuring and training on AAC (Augmentative/Alternative Communication) devices
Problems with articulation
MJ with Therapy Dog, Annie, and Physical
Therapy Assistant, Angela.
WonderLab has come a long way over the past 8 years: in 2024, we provided over 23,000 therapy visits to children in the Inland Empire!
WonderLab Consists of 36 employees who occupy nearly 10,000 square feet of clinic space to make the magic happen. We continue to provide Telehealth as a portion of care, this coaching style therapy helps families with real world solutions in there own environment and allows families who live at more distant locations to access care from WonderLab.
Want to know more?
Find out about our organization, mission, methods, and the results of our decades of advocacy.